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[[File:Kernel block comp.png|thumb|720px|center|Figure 2. Composition of a kernel block ]]
[[File:Kernel block comp.png|thumb|720px|center|Figure 2. Composition of a kernel block ]]
==== Used Data ====
The aim of the tests is to emulate a 4k RGBA frame so the results can be representative of the results on a real world media-handling software.
To represent this data the following structure was used:
<syntaxhighlight lang='c'>
struct rgba_frame{
    float r[SIZE_W*SIZE_H];
    float g[SIZE_W*SIZE_H];
    float b[SIZE_W*SIZE_H];
    float a[SIZE_W*SIZE_H];
The macros are SIZE_W=3840 and SIZE_H=2160, the image size of a 4k frame.
==== Code ====
The kernel that was tested is:
<syntaxhighlight lang='c'>
int blockSize = 256;
int numBlocks = ((SIZE_W*SIZE_H) + blockSize - 1) / blockSize;
void normalize(int n, float *x, float *y)
  int index = blockIdx.x * blockDim.x + threadIdx.x;
  int stride = blockDim.x * gridDim.x;
  for (int i = index; i < n; i += stride)
    y[i] = (x[i]*((MAX-MIN)/ABS_MAX))+MIN;
void exec_kernel(rgba_frame *d_frame, rgba_frame *d_out_frame){
    for (int i = 0; i < ITERATIONS; i ++){
        normalize<<<numBlocks, blockSize>>>(SIZE_W*SIZE_H, d_frame->r, d_out_frame->r);
        normalize<<<numBlocks, blockSize>>>(SIZE_W*SIZE_H, d_frame->g, d_out_frame->g);
        normalize<<<numBlocks, blockSize>>>(SIZE_W*SIZE_H, d_frame->b, d_out_frame->b);
        normalize<<<numBlocks, blockSize>>>(SIZE_W*SIZE_H, d_frame->a, d_out_frame->a);
void start_kernel(){
float stop_kernel(){
    float time;
    cudaEventElapsedTime(&time, estart_kernel, estop_kernel);
    return time;
void test(){
    exec_kernel(in, out)
This is a simple kernel that's executed 4 times to process each array that represents a color on the frame struct.
A macro was added, ITERATIONS to change the numbers of times the 4 kernels are executed. This is done to increase the compute times, and emulate a processing-bound workload.
The value was changed between two values, 1 and 50 to have a IO-bound case and processing-bound case, respectively. This can be seen on the figures with the label normalizer 1x and normalizer 50x, respectively.
Apart from this, the code has two sections an initial section and a end section.
The initial section takes the array and fills it with 1s. This is called once after the memory is reserved, right before the exec_kernel method is called.
<syntaxhighlight lang='c'>
float fill_array(rgba_frame * in){
    float time;
    cudaEvent_t start, stop;
    for (int i = 0; i < SIZE_W*SIZE_H; i++) {
        in->r[i] = 1.0f;
    for (int i = 0; i < SIZE_W*SIZE_H; i++) {
        in->g[i] = 1.0f;
    for (int i = 0; i < SIZE_W*SIZE_H; i++) {
        in->b[i] = 1.0f;
    for (int i = 0; i < SIZE_W*SIZE_H; i++) {
        in->a[i] = 1.0f;
    cudaEventElapsedTime(&time, start, stop);
    return time;
The end section is where the output struct was read inside a cycle with asserts, for each value on the color arrays. This is called once, right after the kernel finishes. The cycle with the asserts also helped to verify the results, to make sure that the kernel was executing properly and processing the full arrays.
<syntaxhighlight lang='c'>
float verify_results(rgba_frame * in, float over_ref = 0.0f){
    float time;
    float ref = over_ref == 0.0f ? (1.0f*((MAX-MIN)/ABS_MAX))+MIN : over_ref;
    cudaEvent_t start, stop;
    for (int i = 0; i < SIZE_W*SIZE_H; i++) {
        assert(in->r[i] == ref);
    for (int i = 0; i < SIZE_W*SIZE_H; i++) {
        assert(in->g[i] == ref);
    for (int i = 0; i < SIZE_W*SIZE_H; i++) {
        assert(in->b[i] == ref);
    for (int i = 0; i < SIZE_W*SIZE_H; i++) {
        assert(in->a[i] == ref);
    cudaEventElapsedTime(&time, start, stop);
    return time;
Each section was measured using different timers, and the results were added to get the total times. This was done to get a better understanding of where the bulk of the time was from, and also to identify if a memory management mode, has an advantage on certain operations.
== Results ==
===Discrete GPU===
====Kernel Execution Time====
In Figure 2, we see that the managed has slower times overall, then there's the traditional model, and the fastest is the pinned or hostMalloc but with the copy. Since when using it without, and with a processing-bound case, the time difference is almost 11 times.
[[File:Kernel_time_dgpu.png|thumb|750px|center|Figure 2. Kernel times for discrete GPU ]]
====Full Execution Times====
First, as seen on Table 1, we have the times for the fill and verify operations. In the case of the discrete GPU, we have a time increase of almost 140 times when looking at the pinned or zero-copy memory, compared to the traditional model. If we look at the rest, overall we can see is that the managed results are slower, around twice compared to the others and the one that performs best is the traditional model but the results when using the memory with hostMalloc are pretty close.
{| class="wikitable" style="margin-left: auto; margin-right: auto; border: none;"
|+ Table 1. Fill and verify times for dGPU
! Memory mode
! Fill time avg(ms)
! Verify time avg(ms)
| Traditional
| style="text-align:center;" | 61.914536
| style="text-align:center;" | 49.771563
| Managed
| style="text-align:center;" | 83.754719
| style="text-align:center;" | 69.627804
| Managed & prefetch
| style="text-align:center;" | 83.455475
| style="text-align:center;" | 69.727864
| Managed & advice as GPU
| style="text-align:center;" | 83.610943
| style="text-align:center;" | 69.602825
| Managed & advice as CPU
| style="text-align:center;" | 84.166066
| style="text-align:center;" | 69.229584
| Managed & prefetch & advice as GPU
| style="text-align:center;" | 82.620560
| style="text-align:center;" | 69.680351
| Managed & prefetch & advice as CPU
| style="text-align:center;" | 82.900353
| style="text-align:center;" | 69.775280
| HostMalloc
| style="text-align:center;" | 61.780409
| style="text-align:center;" | 49.442122
| HostMalloc W Cpy
| style="text-align:center;" | 62.273638
| style="text-align:center;" | 49.530716
| Pinned
| style="text-align:center;" | 66.052262
| style="text-align:center;" | 3,969.123902
When we take the three times and combine them, to get the total execution time, as shown in Figure 3. We see that in the case of the discrete GPU, the lowest total time overall goes to malloc host with discrete copy.
However, it seems that in an procesing-bound case, the usage of hostMalloc without it yields lower times. The worst performing one is the pinned or zero-copy memory.
[[File:Total time dgpu.png|thumb|750px|center|Figure 3. Total execution time for discrete GPU]]
In general, it seems that in IO-bound cases, it can yield benefits using memory reserved with hostMalloc and not doing the manual copy, but on a processing-bound scenario, the dicrete call to copy is needed. Overall we have slower performance with managed memory and the slowest is with pinned or zero-copy memory.
===Jetson Nano===
====Kernel Execution Time====
For the kernel times, on Figure 4, we have a difference on a performance bound vs IO-bound, were on the first the one that performs best is the memory reserved with hostMalloc with discrete copy, and on the IO-bound case, the managed memory performs notably better that the rest.
[[File:Kernel time nano.png|thumb|750px|center|Figure 4. Kernel times for Jetson Nano]]
In the Jetson Nano, we have a different behavior than a discrete GPU, which is expected since the memory topology is different.
====Full Execution Times====
On the Jetson Nano we can see that the overall best, Table 2, is the traditional model. Also, it can be seen that there is a time increase from using both modes, mallocHost and pinned, this is different from the discrete GPU, where only the pinned performed poorly.
{| class="wikitable" style="margin-left: auto; margin-right: auto; border: none;"
|+ Table 2. Fill and verify times for Jetson Nano
! Memory mode
! Fill time avg(ms)
! Verify time avg(ms)
| Traditional
| style="text-align:center;" | 355.4375
| style="text-align:center;" | 181.965027
| Managed
| style="text-align:center;" | 399.8251645
| style="text-align:center;" | 231.341667
| Managed & prefetch
| style="text-align:center;" | 400.890045
| style="text-align:center;" | 231.1730195
| Managed & advice as GPU
| style="text-align:center;" | 400.677246
| style="text-align:center;" | 231.1446
| Managed & advice as CPU
| style="text-align:center;" | 399.785202
| style="text-align:center;" | 230.9549945
| Managed & prefetch & advice as GPU
| style="text-align:center;" | 399.7821045
| style="text-align:center;" | 230.913635
| Managed & prefetch & advice as CPU
| style="text-align:center;" | 399.8194735
| style="text-align:center;" | 232.494896
| HostMalloc
| style="text-align:center;" | 355.0729065
| style="text-align:center;" | 1326.459168
| HostMalloc W Cpy
| style="text-align:center;" | 354.795273
| style="text-align:center;" | 1328.617737
| Pinned
| style="text-align:center;" | 354.804642
| style="text-align:center;" | 1327.90094
Figure 5, shows that the Jetson Nano has a different trend, where the managed actually performs well. We have the same behavior as the discrete GPU for the pinned or zero copy. But the hostMalloc performs slowly, compared to the discrete GPU results.
[[File:Total time nano.png|thumb|750px|center|Figure 5. Total execution time for Jetson Nano]]
Overall it seems that the managed performs better on Jetson Nano than on the discrete GPU. In this case, it does not make sense to use pinned or zero copy nor memory reserved with hostMalloc. In the IO-bound case, managed memory can perform better than traditional, but on a processing-bound program, the traditional performs best.
===Jetson AGX Orin===
====Kernel execution time====
In kernel execution times, Figure 6, there is a clear time reduction when using hostMalloc, where it performs better than traditional memory management. It can be seen that with managed memory there is a bit more gain to be had at around 2ms less than either of them.
[[File:Kernel time orin.png|thumb|750px|center|Figure 6. Kernel times for Jetson AGX Orin]]
For the Jetson AGX Orin, we have results that look more like the discrete GPU results, but the main difference is that using memory with hostMalloc does achieve better results always.
====Full Execution Times====
As for the Jetson AGX Orin, Table 3, the results from the fill and verify operations, show that there is a similar trend as the discrete GPU, where the managed performs slower compared to the rest, but as for the pinned, there is not as much time increase compared to the discrete GPU, since its around 3 times more, but still, it performs the worst.
{| class="wikitable" style="margin-left: auto; margin-right: auto; border: none;"
|+ Table 3. Fill and verify times for Jetson Orin AGX
! Memory mode
! Fill time avg(ms)
! Verify time avg(ms)
| Traditional
| style="text-align:center;" | 96.3693465
| style="text-align:center;" | 93.119007
| Managed
| style="text-align:center;" | 141.320404
| style="text-align:center;" | 90.6683695
| Managed & prefetch
| style="text-align:center;" | 140.552361
| style="text-align:center;" | 90.991768
| Managed & advice as GPU
| style="text-align:center;" | 141.023903
| style="text-align:center;" | 91.376148
| Managed & advice as CPU
| style="text-align:center;" | 141.235008
| style="text-align:center;" | 91.276241
| Managed & prefetch & advice as GPU
| style="text-align:center;" | 141.092499
| style="text-align:center;" | 91.323822
| Managed & prefetch & advice as CPU
| style="text-align:center;" | 140.9354705
| style="text-align:center;" | 91.141693
| HostMalloc
| style="text-align:center;" | 96.887695
| style="text-align:center;" | 99.5928345
| HostMalloc W Cpy
| style="text-align:center;" | 96.2297175
| style="text-align:center;" | 98.4038125
| Pinned
| style="text-align:center;" | 96.558895
| style="text-align:center;" | 792.3588565
When looking at the full execution times, Figure 7, there is a different behavior than the Jetson Nano, but it's similar to the discrete GPU. Where the managed performs notably slower overall, and the hostMalloc performs better.
[[File:Total time orin.png|thumb|750px|center|Figure 7. Total execution time for Jetson AGX Orin]]
In the case of the Jetson Orin AGX, there is one memory management mode that performs better without regarding if its an IO o processing bound scenario, that being the memory reserved with hostMalloc and without the need of handling the discrete transfers, compared to the discrete GPU.
=== Resource Usage Jetson ===
In both Jetson targets, [https://docs.nvidia.com/drive/drive_os_5.1.6.1L/nvvib_docs/DRIVE_OS_Linux_SDK_Development_Guide/Utilities/util_tegrastats.html tegrastats] was used to monitor the resource utilization, mainly the CPU and GPU usage and the used memory.
Upon inspection, there is virtually no difference from run to run. Where the different memory management tests, used the same amount of memory. As for the general system usage, there is also nothing worthy of attention.
== Conclusions ==
We don't have a definitive management mode that performs best in all cases and all devices, but we can see that in different use cases and devices, one can perform better than the other. However, if you are looking for consistency and control, the traditional memory model is the way to go. But if you need to have the best execution times, we have some points that might help:
*On a discrete GPU, use the hostMalloc memory model, but remember to use manual transfers when in a processing bound case.
*On Jetson Nano, on an IO-bound scenario, use managed memory, otherwise, use the traditional memory model.
*On Jetson AGX Orin we do have a one for all, in this case, use hostMalloc, this performs the best regardless, and with the bonus of not having to handle dual pointers for device and host memory.
[[Category:Jetson]][[Category:JetsonNano]][[Category:JetsonTX2]][[Category:NVIDIA Xavier]][[Category:NVIDIA Jetson Orin]]

Revision as of 12:02, 27 February 2023


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This page is the follow-up of Cuda Memory Benchmark, it adds multithreading to the testing of the different memory management modes. It's reduced to test traditional, managed, page-locked memory with and without copy call and CUDA mapped. [PENDING]

Testing Setup

Memory Management Methods

The program tested had the option to use each of the following memory management configurations:

  • Traditional mode, using malloc to reserve the memory on host, then cudaMalloc to reserve it on the device, and then having to move the data between them with cudaMemcpy. Internally, the driver will allocate a non-pageable memory chunk, to copy the data there and after the copy, finally use the data on the device.
  • Managed, using cudaMallocManaged and not having to manually copy the data and handle two different pointers.
  • Non paging memory, using cudaMallocHost a chunk of page-locked memory can be reserved that can be used directly by the device since its non-pageable
  • Non paging memory with discrete copy, using cudaMallocHost and a discrete call to cudaMemcpy, so its similar to the traditional model with different pointers one for host and another for device, but according to the NVIDIA docs on the mallocHost, the calls to cudaMemcpy are accelerated when using thid type of memory.
  • Zero-Copy Memory, using cudaHostAlloc to reserve memory that is page-locked and directly accessible to the device. There are different flags that can change the properties of the memory, in this case, the flags used were cudaHostAllocMapped and cudaHostAllocWriteCombined.


Program Structure

The program is divided into three main sections, one where the input memory is filled with data, the kernel worker threads, and the verify. The verify reads all the results and uses assert to verify them. Before every test, 10 iterations of the full process were done to warm up and avoid any initialization time penalty. After that, the average of 100 runs was obtained. Each of the sections can be seen in Figure 1.

Error creating thumbnail: Unable to save thumbnail to destination
Figure 1. Measurement points on the code

Each kernel block can be seen in Figure 2. Each block has a semaphore to syncronize where there is data available on the input and has another that is raised at the end when the data is processed. The semaphores are shared between each block, in a chained manner, where the output semaphore is the input of the next block and so on. Also the kernel block has a condition that checks if the memory mode being used is "managed like" meaning that uses a single pointer to device and host memory and the driver handles the transfers on the back. If so it doesn't do the copy from host to device and back when done, otherwise it calls cudaMemcpy accordingly. And lastly the kernel itself it is called once for the IO bound case and 50 times for the processing bound case.

Error creating thumbnail: Unable to save thumbnail to destination
Figure 2. Composition of a kernel block

Used Data

The aim of the tests is to emulate a 4k RGBA frame so the results can be representative of the results on a real world media-handling software. To represent this data the following structure was used:

struct rgba_frame{
    float r[SIZE_W*SIZE_H];
    float g[SIZE_W*SIZE_H];
    float b[SIZE_W*SIZE_H];
    float a[SIZE_W*SIZE_H];

The macros are SIZE_W=3840 and SIZE_H=2160, the image size of a 4k frame.


The kernel that was tested is:

int blockSize = 256;
int numBlocks = ((SIZE_W*SIZE_H) + blockSize - 1) / blockSize;

void normalize(int n, float *x, float *y)
  int index = blockIdx.x * blockDim.x + threadIdx.x;
  int stride = blockDim.x * gridDim.x;
  for (int i = index; i < n; i += stride)
    y[i] = (x[i]*((MAX-MIN)/ABS_MAX))+MIN;

void exec_kernel(rgba_frame *d_frame, rgba_frame *d_out_frame){
    for (int i = 0; i < ITERATIONS; i ++){
        normalize<<<numBlocks, blockSize>>>(SIZE_W*SIZE_H, d_frame->r, d_out_frame->r);
        normalize<<<numBlocks, blockSize>>>(SIZE_W*SIZE_H, d_frame->g, d_out_frame->g);
        normalize<<<numBlocks, blockSize>>>(SIZE_W*SIZE_H, d_frame->b, d_out_frame->b);
        normalize<<<numBlocks, blockSize>>>(SIZE_W*SIZE_H, d_frame->a, d_out_frame->a);

void start_kernel(){

float stop_kernel(){
    float time;

    cudaEventElapsedTime(&time, estart_kernel, estop_kernel);

    return time;

void test(){
    exec_kernel(in, out)

This is a simple kernel that's executed 4 times to process each array that represents a color on the frame struct. A macro was added, ITERATIONS to change the numbers of times the 4 kernels are executed. This is done to increase the compute times, and emulate a processing-bound workload. The value was changed between two values, 1 and 50 to have a IO-bound case and processing-bound case, respectively. This can be seen on the figures with the label normalizer 1x and normalizer 50x, respectively.

Apart from this, the code has two sections an initial section and a end section. The initial section takes the array and fills it with 1s. This is called once after the memory is reserved, right before the exec_kernel method is called.

float fill_array(rgba_frame * in){
    float time;
    cudaEvent_t start, stop;


    for (int i = 0; i < SIZE_W*SIZE_H; i++) {
        in->r[i] = 1.0f;
    for (int i = 0; i < SIZE_W*SIZE_H; i++) {
        in->g[i] = 1.0f;
    for (int i = 0; i < SIZE_W*SIZE_H; i++) {
        in->b[i] = 1.0f;
    for (int i = 0; i < SIZE_W*SIZE_H; i++) {
        in->a[i] = 1.0f;

    cudaEventElapsedTime(&time, start, stop);

    return time;

The end section is where the output struct was read inside a cycle with asserts, for each value on the color arrays. This is called once, right after the kernel finishes. The cycle with the asserts also helped to verify the results, to make sure that the kernel was executing properly and processing the full arrays.

float verify_results(rgba_frame * in, float over_ref = 0.0f){
    float time;
    float ref = over_ref == 0.0f ? (1.0f*((MAX-MIN)/ABS_MAX))+MIN : over_ref;
    cudaEvent_t start, stop;


    for (int i = 0; i < SIZE_W*SIZE_H; i++) {
        assert(in->r[i] == ref);
    for (int i = 0; i < SIZE_W*SIZE_H; i++) {
        assert(in->g[i] == ref);
    for (int i = 0; i < SIZE_W*SIZE_H; i++) {
        assert(in->b[i] == ref);
    for (int i = 0; i < SIZE_W*SIZE_H; i++) {
        assert(in->a[i] == ref);

    cudaEventElapsedTime(&time, start, stop);

    return time;

Each section was measured using different timers, and the results were added to get the total times. This was done to get a better understanding of where the bulk of the time was from, and also to identify if a memory management mode, has an advantage on certain operations.


Discrete GPU

Kernel Execution Time

In Figure 2, we see that the managed has slower times overall, then there's the traditional model, and the fastest is the pinned or hostMalloc but with the copy. Since when using it without, and with a processing-bound case, the time difference is almost 11 times.

Figure 2. Kernel times for discrete GPU

Full Execution Times

First, as seen on Table 1, we have the times for the fill and verify operations. In the case of the discrete GPU, we have a time increase of almost 140 times when looking at the pinned or zero-copy memory, compared to the traditional model. If we look at the rest, overall we can see is that the managed results are slower, around twice compared to the others and the one that performs best is the traditional model but the results when using the memory with hostMalloc are pretty close.

Table 1. Fill and verify times for dGPU
Memory mode Fill time avg(ms) Verify time avg(ms)
Traditional 61.914536 49.771563
Managed 83.754719 69.627804
Managed & prefetch 83.455475 69.727864
Managed & advice as GPU 83.610943 69.602825
Managed & advice as CPU 84.166066 69.229584
Managed & prefetch & advice as GPU 82.620560 69.680351
Managed & prefetch & advice as CPU 82.900353 69.775280
HostMalloc 61.780409 49.442122
HostMalloc W Cpy 62.273638 49.530716
Pinned 66.052262 3,969.123902

When we take the three times and combine them, to get the total execution time, as shown in Figure 3. We see that in the case of the discrete GPU, the lowest total time overall goes to malloc host with discrete copy. However, it seems that in an procesing-bound case, the usage of hostMalloc without it yields lower times. The worst performing one is the pinned or zero-copy memory.

Figure 3. Total execution time for discrete GPU

In general, it seems that in IO-bound cases, it can yield benefits using memory reserved with hostMalloc and not doing the manual copy, but on a processing-bound scenario, the dicrete call to copy is needed. Overall we have slower performance with managed memory and the slowest is with pinned or zero-copy memory.

Jetson Nano

Kernel Execution Time

For the kernel times, on Figure 4, we have a difference on a performance bound vs IO-bound, were on the first the one that performs best is the memory reserved with hostMalloc with discrete copy, and on the IO-bound case, the managed memory performs notably better that the rest.

Figure 4. Kernel times for Jetson Nano

In the Jetson Nano, we have a different behavior than a discrete GPU, which is expected since the memory topology is different.

Full Execution Times

On the Jetson Nano we can see that the overall best, Table 2, is the traditional model. Also, it can be seen that there is a time increase from using both modes, mallocHost and pinned, this is different from the discrete GPU, where only the pinned performed poorly.

Table 2. Fill and verify times for Jetson Nano
Memory mode Fill time avg(ms) Verify time avg(ms)
Traditional 355.4375 181.965027
Managed 399.8251645 231.341667
Managed & prefetch 400.890045 231.1730195
Managed & advice as GPU 400.677246 231.1446
Managed & advice as CPU 399.785202 230.9549945
Managed & prefetch & advice as GPU 399.7821045 230.913635
Managed & prefetch & advice as CPU 399.8194735 232.494896
HostMalloc 355.0729065 1326.459168
HostMalloc W Cpy 354.795273 1328.617737
Pinned 354.804642 1327.90094

Figure 5, shows that the Jetson Nano has a different trend, where the managed actually performs well. We have the same behavior as the discrete GPU for the pinned or zero copy. But the hostMalloc performs slowly, compared to the discrete GPU results.

Figure 5. Total execution time for Jetson Nano

Overall it seems that the managed performs better on Jetson Nano than on the discrete GPU. In this case, it does not make sense to use pinned or zero copy nor memory reserved with hostMalloc. In the IO-bound case, managed memory can perform better than traditional, but on a processing-bound program, the traditional performs best.

Jetson AGX Orin

Kernel execution time

In kernel execution times, Figure 6, there is a clear time reduction when using hostMalloc, where it performs better than traditional memory management. It can be seen that with managed memory there is a bit more gain to be had at around 2ms less than either of them.

Figure 6. Kernel times for Jetson AGX Orin

For the Jetson AGX Orin, we have results that look more like the discrete GPU results, but the main difference is that using memory with hostMalloc does achieve better results always.

Full Execution Times

As for the Jetson AGX Orin, Table 3, the results from the fill and verify operations, show that there is a similar trend as the discrete GPU, where the managed performs slower compared to the rest, but as for the pinned, there is not as much time increase compared to the discrete GPU, since its around 3 times more, but still, it performs the worst.

Table 3. Fill and verify times for Jetson Orin AGX
Memory mode Fill time avg(ms) Verify time avg(ms)
Traditional 96.3693465 93.119007
Managed 141.320404 90.6683695
Managed & prefetch 140.552361 90.991768
Managed & advice as GPU 141.023903 91.376148
Managed & advice as CPU 141.235008 91.276241
Managed & prefetch & advice as GPU 141.092499 91.323822
Managed & prefetch & advice as CPU 140.9354705 91.141693
HostMalloc 96.887695 99.5928345
HostMalloc W Cpy 96.2297175 98.4038125
Pinned 96.558895 792.3588565

When looking at the full execution times, Figure 7, there is a different behavior than the Jetson Nano, but it's similar to the discrete GPU. Where the managed performs notably slower overall, and the hostMalloc performs better.

Figure 7. Total execution time for Jetson AGX Orin

In the case of the Jetson Orin AGX, there is one memory management mode that performs better without regarding if its an IO o processing bound scenario, that being the memory reserved with hostMalloc and without the need of handling the discrete transfers, compared to the discrete GPU.

Resource Usage Jetson

In both Jetson targets, tegrastats was used to monitor the resource utilization, mainly the CPU and GPU usage and the used memory. Upon inspection, there is virtually no difference from run to run. Where the different memory management tests, used the same amount of memory. As for the general system usage, there is also nothing worthy of attention.


We don't have a definitive management mode that performs best in all cases and all devices, but we can see that in different use cases and devices, one can perform better than the other. However, if you are looking for consistency and control, the traditional memory model is the way to go. But if you need to have the best execution times, we have some points that might help:

  • On a discrete GPU, use the hostMalloc memory model, but remember to use manual transfers when in a processing bound case.
  • On Jetson Nano, on an IO-bound scenario, use managed memory, otherwise, use the traditional memory model.
  • On Jetson AGX Orin we do have a one for all, in this case, use hostMalloc, this performs the best regardless, and with the bonus of not having to handle dual pointers for device and host memory.

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