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Audio + Video - TX1/TX2



PubNub Official Demo

The following figure show hows to establish a call using the official PubNub's WebRTC demo in https://www.pubnub.com/developers/demos/webrtc/

Establish a WebRTC call with https://www.pubnub.com/developers/demos/webrtc/

Follow these steps

  1. Make sure to type the number above the message "this is your phone number" in the pipeline description
  2. Just type the pipeline's name in the bottom text bar. In the examples 123 this would be $USER_CHANNEL or 123, don't press any of the other botons
  3. Launch the pipeline, the call should start right away (in Chrome), a couple of seconds at most (in Firefox).

Send/receive (VP8)

GST_DEBUG=3 DISPLAY=:0 gst-launch-1.0 rrwebrtcbin rtcp-mux=true start-call=true signaler::user-channel=$USER_CHANNEL signaler::peer-channel=$PEER_CHANNEL name=web nvcamerasrc sensor-id=0  ! nvvidconv ! omxvp8enc ! rtpvp8pay ! web.video_sink web.video_src ! rtpvp8depay ! omxvp8dec ! videoconvert ! autovideosink

Send only (VP8)

GST_DEBUG=3 DISPLAY=:0 gst-launch-1.0 rrwebrtcbin rtcp-mux=true start-call=true signaler::user-channel=$USER_CHANNEL signaler::peer-channel=$PEER_CHANNEL name=web nvcamerasrc sensor-id=0  ! nvvidconv ! omxvp8enc ! rtpvp8pay ! web.video_sink

Receive only (VP8)

GST_DEBUG=3 DISPLAY=:0 gst-launch-1.0 rrwebrtcbin rtcp-mux=true start-call=true signaler::user-channel=$USER_CHANNEL signaler::peer-channel=$PEER_CHANNEL name=web web.video_src ! rtpvp8depay ! omxvp8dec ! videoconvert ! autovideosink

Audio + Video - TX1/TX2
