GStreamer Based Image Signal Processor - Performance - Color Space Conversion

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The following section describes some relevant performance measurements during the execution of the color space correction kernel for a few standard resolutions. It begins with a summary of the results detailed on the following sections, as well as the pipelines used to capture such results.


Resolution CPU usage Memory Max Framerate Exec Time
640x480 16 16080 170 32.9
1280x720 17 19424 63 59.3
1920x1080 18 18168 29 169.5



All the measurements below were made using the following minimal pipeline.


gst-launch-1.0 videotestsrc ! 'video/x-raw,format=(string)RGBA,width=$WIDTH,height=$HEIGHT,framerate=(fraction)30/1' ! oclcsc ! fakesink -v 

CPU usage

These measurements were taken with top app to see the behavior of the pipeline while running, but we have to have in account that videotestsrc is used to generate the buffers and it consumes a lot of CPU.

Error creating thumbnail: Unable to save thumbnail to destination
CPU usage for CSC kernel.

Memory usage

These measurements were taken with meminfo file to see the behavior of the pipeline while running, but we have to have in account that videotestsrc is used to generate the buffers and it depends on the framerate due to the number of buffers generated by videotestsrc.

Error creating thumbnail: Unable to save thumbnail to destination
Memory consumption by CSC kernel.

Maximum Framerate

These measurements were taken with gstperf tool to see the behavior of the pipeline while running, with videotestsrc we are able to push buffers as much as possible to the element. The image below shows the maximum framerate that the debayer element supports. It depends on the execution time of the debayer kernel algorithm.

Error creating thumbnail: Unable to save thumbnail to destination
Framerate for different resolutions on the CSC kernel.

Execution time

These measurements were taken putting some timestamps before and after the processing to measure just the execution time for the debayer kernel algorithm by each frame and avoiding possible false measurements from the GStreamer plugin. The image below shows the debayer execution time by each frame for each resolution.

Error creating thumbnail: Unable to save thumbnail to destination
Execution time for different resolutions on the CSC kernel.

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