List of Code Linters

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Revision as of 00:58, 16 April 2020 by Mgruner (talk | contribs) (Assert)
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Tools Considered

The plain compiler invoked as g++ -Weverything -c on the file. Not ideal nor a real linter, but mainly for convenience.
The plain compiler invoked as clang++ -Weverything -c on the file. Not ideal nor a real linter, but mainly for convenience.
A C/C++ linter with a novel flow sensitive analysis.
A linter built by google specifically for their coding standard.
A clang-based C++ linter
Another clang-based static c++ linter with awesome reporting features.


64 Bit Compatibility

// return cast from ptr to int
int ptr_to_int()
  void * p = 0;
  return p;

// return cast from ptr to long
long ptr_to_long()
  void * p = 0;
  return p;

// return cast from int to ptr
void * int_to_ptr()
  int i = 0;
  return i;

// return cast from long to ptr
void * long_to_ptr()
  long l = 0;
  return l;

int main ()
  void * p = 0;

  // assign address to int
  int i = p;

  // assign address to long
  long l = p;

  //assign int to address
  p = i;

  //assign long to address
  p = l;

  return 0;
Linter ptr2int ptr2long int2ptr long2ptr ptr2int return ptr2long return int2ptr return long2ptr return
g++ -Weverything Y[1] Y[1] N N Y[1] Y[1] Y[1] Y[1]
clang++ -Weverything Y[1] Y[1] N N Y[1] Y[1] Y[1] Y[1]
cppcheck[2] Y[1] Y[1] N N Y[1] Y[1] Y[1] Y[1]
cpplint N N N N N N N N
clang-tidy Y[1] Y[1] N N Y[1] Y[1] Y[1] Y[1]
clang-analyze Y[1] Y[1] N N Y[1] Y[1] Y[1] Y[1]
  1. 1.00 1.01 1.02 1.03 1.04 1.05 1.06 1.07 1.08 1.09 1.10 1.11 1.12 1.13 1.14 1.15 1.16 1.17 1.18 1.19 1.20 1.21 1.22 1.23 1.24 1.25 1.26 1.27 1.28 1.29 Wont even compile, still considered as a catch though
  2. Ran with --enable=all


#include <assert.h>

volatile static int i = 0;

bool side_effect ()
  return true;

int main ()
  // Indirect assignment via preincrement
  assert (++i);

  // Indirect assignment via postincrement
  assert (i++);

  // Direct assignment in assert
  assert (i = 1);

  // Assert calling function with side effects
  assert (side_effect());

  return 0;
Linter preinc postinc assignment function
g++ -Weverything N N N N
clang++ -Weverything N N N N
cppcheck[1] N[2] Y Y Y
cpplint N N N N
clang-tidy N N N N
clang-analyze N N N N
  1. Ran with --enable=all
  2. I sent a fix in

Memory Leaks (function variables)

#include <glib.h>
#include <stdlib.h>

int main ()
  // New
  int *a = new int;

  // Malloc
  int *b = (int *)malloc(sizeof (int));

  // Calloc
  int *c = (int *)calloc(1, sizeof (int));

  // Realloc
  int *d = (int *)realloc(0, sizeof (int));

  // External library
  int *e = (int *)g_malloc(sizeof (int));

  return 0;
Linter New Malloc Calloc Realloc
g++ -Weverything N N N N
clang++ -Weverything N N N N
cppcheck Y Y Y Y
cpplint N N N N
clang-tidy Y Y Y Y
clang-analyze Y Y Y Y