Onvif Device Reference Design/Getting Started/Environment Setup

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Revision as of 16:26, 23 June 2022 by Khernandez (talk | contribs) (Created page with "These steps aim to guide through the installation and building process for the ONVIF Reference Design Project. === Dependencies === * Install Pre-commit <pre style="white-spa...")
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These steps aim to guide through the installation and building process for the ONVIF Reference Design Project.


  • Install Pre-commit
pip3 install pre-commit
  • Install Doxygen
sudo apt-get install doxygen
  • Install GSTD

To install GSTD follow the guide here https://developer.ridgerun.com/wiki/index.php?title=GStreamer_Daemon_-_Building_GStreamer_Daemon

Remember to use the develop branch, compile and install using Meson and use the prefix /usr when configuring the meson install directory.

Build ONVIF reference design

  • Create a build directory within the project directory
mkdir build
  • Build the application
meson build
cd build
  • Build the project
cd build
  • To check the correct functionality, go to the src directory and run:
cd rr/src/

Common Issue