Getting Started Guide for Lauterbach

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ICD introduction

The ICDs (In-circuit Debugger) are additional circuitry integrated into the processors to debug embedded system's software. They are also known as OCD (On-chip Debuggers). The ICD controls the processor instead of being a duplicate of it like in the case of ICEs (In-circuit Emulators), the advantage is that the processor does not need to be replaced and the same tool can be used to debug different processors.

The on-chip debug system provides the following basic features:

  • Read/write memory
  • Read/write CPU register
  • Single step and real time execution
  • Hardware breakpoints and trigger features (not supported by all CPUs)

The In-Circuit Debugger TRACE32-ICD uses these basic features of the on-chip debug system to provide a powerful debug tool that offers:

  • Easy high-level and assembler debugging
  • Display of internal and external peripherals on a logical level
  • On-chip break and trigger support
  • RTOS awareness
  • Flash programming
  • Powerful script language
  • Multiprocessor debugging