DM8168 Z3 BOOTP recovery procedure

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 Host side preliminary work

There are two BOOTP servers available for GNU / Linux. One of them is CMU bootpd and the second one is actually a DHCP server, ISC dhcpd. In Debian GNU / Linux these are contained in the bootp and isc-dhcp-server packages respectively.

We will be using ISC dhcpd which is quite easy to get up and running since it treats BOOTP clients as a kind of special case of DHCP clients. 

Add the allow bootp directive to the configuration block for the subnet containing the client in /etc/dhcp/dhcpd.conf.

option subnet-mask;
default-lease-time 600;
max-lease-time 7200;
subnet netmask {
host clientname {
filename "/srv/tftp/u-boot.bin.img";
server-name "server";
next-server server;

  1. Z3 EVM
    # hardware ethernet 64:7b:d4:62:e2:22;
    # fixed-address;
  1. Customer's board
    hardware ethernet 50:56:63:47:6d:c8;

allow bootp;

Restart dhcpd by issuing the /etc/init.d/isc-dhcp-server restart command.

Make sure that the following images / scripts "u-boot-uartboot.bin.scr, u-boot-uartboot.bin, u-boot.bin and u-boot.bin.img" are copied into the BOOTP server (In this case we used the regular TFTP server path used by the SDK under /srv/tftp). These images can be found among the pre-built images available under Z3's  z3-netra-RPS-xxxx tarball (as a customer, access should have been granted by Z3 to their downloads directory).

Reconfigure jumpers on 1-2, 3-4 and 5-6 of jumper block J20 (holding the Z3 module card so that the LED and power switch are at the top right, the leftmost jumper is 1-2)  The factory default is 5-6, 9-10 and 15-16.

Power up the system. While in BOOTP mode, the module retrieves its IPL code from the BOOTP server; the IPL code runs and retrieves the remaining software components from the TFTP server.

Open the serial console, at this point, a valid u-boot prompt should already be available.

Proceed to issue a "make installbootloader" from the root of the devdir (The firmware deployment method selected should be "Attached board on communication port").

Target side preliminary work

Hardware configuration