Running the GstQtOverlay plugin without Graphics Server

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Many embedded systems run without a graphics server. The most common graphics servers would be X11 (Xorg) or Wayland (Weston). QtOverlay may run without a graphics server by using purely EGL.

To run without a graphics server set the following variables:

export QT_QPA_PLATFORM=eglfs

For example, the following pipeline will run in a Jetson platform without any graphics server running:

QT_QPA_EGLFS_INTEGRATION=none QT_QPA_PLATFORM=eglfs GST_DEBUG=2 gst-launch-1.0 videotestsrc ! nvvidconv ! qtoverlay qml=main.qml ! nvvidconv ! video/x-raw\(memory:NVMM\),format=I420 ! nvoverlaysink

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