Getting Started with ROS on Embedded Systems - User Guide - C++ - Initialization

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This wiki is based on the following ROS page:

There are two levels of initialization for a roscpp Node:

  1. Initializing the node through a call to one of the ros::init() functions. This provides command line arguments to ROS, and allows you to name your node and specify other options.
  2. Starting the node is most often done through creation of a ros::NodeHandle, but in advanced cases can be done in different ways.


And example of initialization for the a ROS node inside a main.cpp can be the following:

ros::init(argc, argv, "rr_node");


Calling init doesn't actually start the node, it just initialized it, in order to start it, you can create a node handle, this will call the ros::start underneath:

ros::NodeHandle node_handle("node_namespace");

Look here that we just assigned a node namespace, we will take about them later in the names section.


You can test the node by adding this to the code:

while (ros::ok()){
    /* Do something here */

After compilation, you can launch the node by using:

rosrun <package> <node_name_executable>
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