OpenGL Accelerated HTML Overlay: Getting Started - Building HTML Overlay

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HTML Overlay has the following dependencies for building from source:

In the following sections you can see how to install, in Debian-based systems, the dependencies mentioned before.


To install OpenGL, please use:

sudo apt install mesa-utils
sudo apt-get install freeglut3


To install GTK+,please use:

sudo apt-get install libgtk-3-dev


To install Webkit2GTK+, please use:

sudo apt-get install libwebkit2gtk-4.0-dev


To install GLEW, please use:

sudo apt-get install libglew-dev


To install GLFW, please use:

sudo apt-get install libglfw3 libglfw3-dev


In case you don't have GStreamer, please visit this webpage to see your specific installation guide. If you're in Ubuntu or Debian you can run the following command:

sudo apt-get install libgstreamer1.0-dev libgstreamer-plugins-base1.0-dev gstreamer1.0-plugins-base

Documentation (optional)

For the documentation, consider the following dependency:

  • doxygen

Please, install it using (in Debian-based systems):

sudo apt install doxygen -y

Meson building system

At the building system level:

  • ninja-build
  • python3-pip
  • pkg-config
  • meson

Please, install them using (in Debian-based systems like Ubuntu):

sudo apt install -y \
     build-essential \
     python3        \
     python3-pip    \
     ninja-build    \
     meson          \

The process should be similar in other systems, not based on Debian.

Building the project

Once fulfilled the dependencies, you can run a default compilation with:

meson setup build --optimization 3 --prefix /usr -Denable-docs=disabled -Ddeveloper-mode=false
ninja -C build
sudo ninja -C build install

For additional customization, you may refer to the following table of options:

Configure Option Description
-Ddeveloper-mode=false Disable developer mode. Enabled by default.
-Denable-docs=disabled Skip documentation generation. Enabled by default.
-Denable-docs-only=enabled Build documentation with Doxygen without compiling. Disabled by default.
-Denable-gst=disabled Skip building the GStreamer element. Enabled by default.
-Denable-tests=disabled Skip building tests. Enabled by default.
-Denable-examples=disabled Build examples
-Dplatform=jetson Select target platform as Jetson. x86 by default
--prefix /usr Set the installation path of the library.
--optimization 3 Set the optimization level to the maximum

Table 1. HTML Overlay configuration options (Meson)


You can visit this section of the current wiki to check out some application examples.

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