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Yocto RidgeRun Developer Wiki Guide.

Getting Started with Yocto on Embedded Systems

This wiki is a user guide for anyone who wants to read about Yocto, or if you want some answers about it, you'll probably get them here.

In this wiki, you will find technical documentation, tutorials, examples, and much more!

RidgeRun support

RidgeRun provides support for embedded Linux development using Yocto BSPs from different vendors, including Boundary Devices, e-con Systems, Nvidia Jetson, NXP, Qualcomm, Toradex, Variscite, Xilinx, and many others, specializing in the use of hardware accelerators in multimedia applications. RidgeRun's products take full advantage of each BSP and the accelerators present on each of the platforms to perform video, audio processing and create general purpose applications achieving great performance on many scenarios.

This page contains detailed guides and information on how to use Yocto, alongside some examples on how RidgeRun gets involved with it.

To get up-to-speed with your Yocto system, start by clicking below:

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RidgeRun Resources

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Visit our Main Website for the RidgeRun Products and Online Store. RidgeRun Engineering informations are available in RidgeRun Professional Services, RidgeRun Subscription Model and Client Engagement Process wiki pages. Please email to support@ridgerun.com for technical questions and contactus@ridgerun.com for other queries. Contact details for sponsoring the RidgeRun GStreamer projects are available in Sponsor Projects page. Ridgerun-logo.svg
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