Yocto Support for NVIDIA Jetson Platforms - FAQ

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Question Answer Notes
How much time does it take to create a Yocto image for Jetson? 3h 40m first run from scratch Reference Host Machine Specs

Intel(R) Core(TM) i7-8750H CPU @ 2.20GHz
16Gb RAM
GeForce GTX 1050 Ti Mobile

Ran bitbake with
6 threads
How much disk space is needed? 65GB to 70GB
What Jetson SoC are currently supported by the current public metalayer? Supported:

Jetson-TX1 development kit
Jetson-TX2 development kit
Jetson AGX Xavier development kit
Jetson Nano development kit
Jetson Nano eMMC module with rev B01 carrier board

Experimental Support:

Jetson Xavier NX Development Kit
Jetson Xavier NX eMMC module in dev kit or Nano carrier board
How old are the software components currently in meta-tegra vrs the latest Jetpack? Meta-tegra community supports keeps updating the compatibility
with latest Jetpack.
RidgeRun collaborates to the project as well, and gives support
with Yocto use on NVIDIA systems.
Does meta-tegra include Docker support? Yes, through the NVIDIA-docker package
Is it possible to customize the device tree and add drivers support? Yes, Please refer this section
Is the ISP supported with meta-tegra build? Yes, capture was tested using the nvarguscamerasrc plugin. Check this section to test it according to your platform.
Is Deepstream supported with meta-tegra build? The recipes are not included in the main repository of meta-tegra yet. Check this section.
Does meta-tegra include Yocto wic SD Card image building? No, currently it is not supported. Check this section for a workaround
Are the hardware accelerated plugins such as nvv4l2 and omx available in meta-tegra? Yes

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