CUDA ISP for NVIDIA Jetson: Getting Started - Evaluating the CUDA ISP

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< CUDA ISP for NVIDIA Jetson‎ | Getting Started
Revision as of 20:40, 27 March 2023 by Nmorua (talk | contribs) (Requesting the Evaluation Binary)
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Warning: Display title "CUDA ISP for NVIDIA Jetson: Getting Started&#x20;-&#x20;Evaluating the CUDA ISP" overrides earlier display title "CUDA ISP for NVIDIA Jetson: Evaluating the CUDA ISP".

Installing CUDAISP

RidgeRun will provide you with a tarball with the following contents:

└── usr
    └── local
        ├── include
        │   └── libcudaisp
        │       ├── buffer.hpp
        │       ├── colorspaceparams.hpp
        │       ├── debayerparams.hpp
        │       ├── ialgorithm.hpp
        │       ├── ibackend.hpp
        │       ├── ilogger.hpp
        │       ├── iparams.hpp
        │       ├── isettings.hpp
        │       ├── isp.hpp
        │       └── shiftparams.hpp
        ├── lib
            └── aarch64-linux-gnu
                ├── gstreamer-1.0
                │   └──

After decompressing the files, please, copy the contents to the target machine:

sudo cp -r usr/local/* /usr/local/
