OpenGL Accelerated HTML Overlay: Getting Started - Building HTML Overlay

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< OpenGL Accelerated HTML Overlay
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HTML Overlay has the following dependencies for building from source:

  • OpenGL. See more about OpenGL in this link: OpenGL
  • GTK+. You can see more about GTK+ in this link: GTK+.
  • Webkit2GTK+. You can see more about it in the following link: Webkit2GTK+
  • GLEW
  • EGL
  • GLFW (optional)

In the following sections you can see how to install, in Debian-based systems, the dependencies mentioned before.


To install OpenGL, please use:

sudo apt install mesa-utils
sudo apt-get install freeglut3


To install GTK+,please use:

sudo apt-get install build-essential libgtk-3-dev


To install Webkit2GTK+, please use:

sudo apt-get install libwebkit2gtk-4.0-dev


To install GLEW, please use:

sudo apt-get install libglew-dev


To install GLFW, please use:

sudo apt-get install libglfw3 libglfw3-dev


GstCUDA is another RigdeRun product. This product is required for CUDA ISP if you want to use it with GStreamer applications. You can see more about this product in this link: Get GstCUDA

Custom v4l2src element

To capture from a camera in raw format with a bits per pixel different from 0, you may require to recompile the GStreamer Plugins Good. Please, follow these steps.

Documentation (optional)

For the documentation, consider the following dependency:

  • doxygen

Please, install it using (in Debian-based systems):

sudo apt install -y     \
    doxygen             \

Meson building system

At the building system level:

  • ninja-build
  • python3-pip
  • pkg-config
  • meson

Please, install them using (in Debian-based systems):

sudo apt install -y \
     python3        \
     python3-pip    \
     ninja-build    \

The process should be similar in other systems, not based on Debian.

Building the project

Once fulfilled the dependencies, you can run a default compilation with:

meson build --optimization 3 --prefix /usr -Denable-docs=disabled -Ddeveloper-mode=false
ninja -C build
sudo ninja -C build install

For additional customization, you may refer to the following table of options:

Configure Option Description
-Ddeveloper-mode=false Disable developer mode. Enabled by default.
-Denable-docs=disabled Skip documentation generation. Enabled by default.
-Denable-gst=disabled Skip building for GStreamer elements. Enabled by default.
-Denable-tests=disabled Skip building tests. Enabled by default.
--prefix /usr Set the installation path of the library.
--optimization 3 Set the optimization level to the maximum

Table 1. CUDA ISP configuration options (Meson)

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