NVIDIA Jetson Xavier - Video Capture and Display using Libargus Multimedia API

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Argus Samples

JetPack comes with a set of examples that demonstrate the usage of libargus in different scenarios including GStreamer, CUDA, snapshot, and face detection, among others.

You will find libargus in the Tegra Multimedia API package in jetpack_downloads. In order to build them follow the next steps:

1. Copy the Tegra Multimedia API package into your Xavier file system (for this guide we are using: Tegra_Multimedia_API_R31.0.2_aarch64.tbz2)

2. Install the following packages:

sudo apt-get install build-essential pkg-config libx11-dev libgtk-3-dev libjpeg-dev libegl1-mesa-dev libgles2-mesa-dev libgstreamer1.0-dev

3. Build argus:

 cd tegra_multimedia_api/argus/
 mkdir build
 cd build
 cmake ..

Samples Description

Sample Description

Decodes H.264/H.265/VP9 video from a local file and then either saves it to a file or displays it.


Decodes video from a local file and then encodes it as a H.264/H.265 video file.


Decodes H.264/H.265 video from a local file and then shares the YUV buffer with CUDA to draw a black box in the left corner.


Use CUDA to draw a black box in the YUV buffer and then feeds it to the video encoder to generate an H.264/H.265 video file.


Uses simple TensorRT calls to save the bounding box info to a file.


Uses libjpeg-8b APIs to encode JPEG images from software-allocated buffers.


Uses libjpeg-8b APIs to decode a JPEG image from software-allocated buffers.


Uses V4L2 APIs to do video format conversion and video scaling.


Uses the NVIDIA® Tegra® Direct Rendering Manager (DRM) to render video stream or UI.


Simultaneously uses Libargus API to preview camera stream and libjpeg-8b APIs to encode JPEG images.


Gets the real-time camera stream from the Libargus API and feeds it into the video encoder to generate H.264/H.265 video files.


Captures images from a V4L2 Camera and shares the stream with CUDA engines to draw a black box in the upper left corner.


Captures multiple cameras and composites them to one frame.


Performs intelligent video analytics on four concurrent video streams going through a decoding process using the on-chip decoders, video scaling using on-chip scalar, and GPU compute.


Performs independent processing on four different resolutions of video capture coming directly from the camera.

v4l2cuda (capture-cuda)

Uses V4L2 image capturing with CUDA format conversion.

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