GStreamer Daemon - New Clock

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This wiki shows how to use the bus_<action> to read the bus in the pipeline, with the bus_filter command we can filter the new_clock messages then use the bus_read to read them.


The following example is a bash script that demonstrates the simple slow motion playback.

 1 #!/bin/bash
 3 # Absolute path to the video location
 4 VIDEO=$1
 6 # Graceful cleanup upon CTRL-C
 7 trap "gstd-client pipeline_delete p; exit" SIGHUP SIGINT SIGTERM
 9 # Make sure there is no pipeline with this name already
10 gstd-client pipeline_delete p
12 gstd-client pipeline_create p playbin uri=file://$VIDEO
14 # Filter only a new-clock
15 gstd-client bus_filter p new_clock
17 # Play the pipeline
18 gstd-client pipeline_play p
20 # Waiting until bus read a message error 
21 gstd-client bus_read p

The output of the command bus_read should be as follows:

  "code" : 0,
  "description" : "Success",
  "response" : {
    "type" : "new-clock",
    "source" : "p",
    "timestamp" : "99:99:99.999999999",
    "seqnum" : 95411

To run the script you will need an existing video. You may use the video recording simple example to quickly use Gstd to record one. To run the new-clock script, type

./ /tmp/video.mp4

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