GstInference Signals

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Metadata from GstInference is available to be obtained through GSignals and therefore can be used in other programs or processes such as using Python or C++.

Available Signals

Signals are created and listed in gst-libs/gst/r2inference/gstvideoinference.c

Signal Name To be used by Details
new-inference C/C++ Format can be casted to
struct that defines metadata
and dereference pointers.
new-inference-string Python, Javascript, Other
String format needs to be used
because pointer dereference
from other memory space is
not available.

Inference String Signal

The following code show a simple capture of the signal in GStreamer using Python. It installs the function handler to the signal called "new-inference-string" from GstInference element. The signal sends a string formatted as json which can be parsed in python using json.loads function.

For details about what elements can be accessed in the serialized json string, check this section.

 1 import gi
 2 gi.require_version("Gst", "1.0")
 3 gi.require_version("GstVideo", "1.0")
 4 from gi.repository import Gst, GObject, GstVideo
 5 import json
 7 GObject.threads_init()
 8 Gst.init(None)
10 def newPrediction(element, meta):
11     # Parse data from string to json object
12     data = json.loads(meta)
13     print(data)
15 # Settings
16 video_dev = "/dev/video0"
17 arch = "mobilenetv2ssd"
18 backend = "coral"
19 model = "/home/coral/models/ssd_mobilenet_v2_coco_quant_postprocess_edgetpu.tflite"
20 input_layer = "" # Needed by other backends such as Tensorflow
21 output_layer = "" # Needed by other backends such as Tensorflow
23 # Pipeline
24 inf_pipe_str = "v4l2src device=%s ! videoscale ! videoconvert ! \
25                 video/x-raw,width=640,height=480,format=I420 ! \
26                 videoconvert ! inferencebin arch=%s backend=%s \
27                 model-location=%s input-layer=%s output-layer=%s \
28                 overlay=true name=net ! \
29                 videoconvert ! autovideosink name=videosink sync=false" % \
30                 (video_dev,arch,backend,model,input_layer,output_layer)
32 # Load pipeline from string
33 inference_pipe = Gst.parse_launch(inf_pipe_str)
34 # Start pipeline
35 inference_pipe.set_state(Gst.State.PLAYING)
37 if (not inference_pipe):
38     print("Unable to create pipeline")
39     exit(1)
41 # Search for arch element from inferencebin
42 net = inference_pipe.get_by_name("arch")
44 # Connect to inference string signal
45 net.connect("new-inference-string", newPrediction)
47 # Launch loop
48 loop = GObject.MainLoop() 

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