GstRtspSink - Legacy GstRtspSink

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This wiki shows the documentation for the legacy (GStreamer 0.10) GstRtspSink element.

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Legacy RTSP Sink

The old version of GstRtspSink maintains the same idea of integrating an RTSP server into a GStreamer pipeline but it's developed to support a single video stream. The main difference is that the service is specified by means of a property rather than on the caps.

On target board


gst-launch-0.10 videotestsrc ! dmaienc_h264 idrinterval=30 targetbitrate=2500000 single-nalu=false ! rtspsink mapping=$MAPPING service=$PORT

On host PC

On the host PC, you might need to use root privileges to access the respective sockets.


sudo gst-launch videotestsrc ! x264enc ! rtspsink mapping=$MAPPING service=$PORT


As an RTSP client vlc may be used as the following:


vlc rtsp://${IP_ADDRESS}:${PORT}${MAPPING}

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