NVIDIA Jetson Nano Developer Kit - Getting Started

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Prepare microSD Card

To boot up your Jetson Nano board you will need to prepare a microSD card with a bootable image. NVIDIA provides a prebuilt image that you can download from: Jetson Nano Developer Kit SD Card Image

Once downloaded the image you need to write it to your microSD by following the instructions below:

1. Insert the microSD card to your computer and identify the corresponding device

2. Flash the downloaded image, change /dev/sdx to your corresponding device

#Change the path if you download the image to another location
unzip -p ~/Downloads/jetson-nano-sd-r32.2-2019-07-16.zip | sudo dd of=/dev/sdx bs=1M status=progress

3. Remove microSD from your computer

Setup the Board

1. Insert the prepared microSD card into the slot under the Jetson Nano Module in the developer kit.

2. Connect an HDMI display

3. Connect the USB keyboard and mouse

4. Connect your power supply

First Boot

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