Difference between revisions of "NVIDIA Jetson Orin/JetPack 5.0.2/Getting Started/Wizard Flashing"

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<!--Before setting the board in recovery mode is important to know that when the power supply is connected, the board will power on automatically.-->
<!--Before setting the board in recovery mode is important to know that when the power supply is connected, the board will power on automatically.-->
# Start with the Jetson Orin AGX devkit turned off and disconnected from the power supply
# Start with the Jetson Orin AGX devkit turned off and disconnected from the power supply.
# Get the USB-A to USB-C cable and connect the USB-A end to your host computer (the computer where you installed Jetpack).
# Get the USB-A to USB-C cable and connect the USB-A end to your host computer (the computer where you installed Jetpack) and the USB-C end to the Orin type C port L, shown in Figure 2.
# Press and hold the FORCE RECOVERY button.
# Press and hold the FORCE RECOVERY button (B in Figure 1).
# While pressing the FORCE RECOVERY button, press and release the RESET button.  
# While pressing the FORCE RECOVERY button, press and release the RESET button (C in Figure 1).  
# Check if the device is in recovery mode by using the lsusb command, a line similar to '''Bus 001 Device 011: ID 0955:7023 NVidia Corp''' will appear in a list on the host terminal.
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{| class="wikitable" style="margin: auto;"
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Check if the device is in recovery mode by using the lsusb command, a line similar to '''Bus 001 Device 011: ID 0955:7023 NVidia Corp''' will appear in a list on the host terminal.

Revision as of 14:18, 12 July 2022

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This section provides a guide to flash the Jetson AGX Orin developer kit through the following methods: eMMc, SD card, USB drive, NFS. This guide assumes that you already have followed through our Getting Started and Installing Jetpack sections. Flashing is the process of getting all the files required into the selected storage from which the Orin is going to boot. In this guide, we follow three steps to flash the Orin.

Step 1: Set Board in Recovery Mode

In order to flash the Orin, we must set it in recovery mode so that it can accept the files. The procedure to put the Orin in recovery mode is:

  1. Start with the Jetson Orin AGX devkit turned off and disconnected from the power supply.
  2. Get the USB-A to USB-C cable and connect the USB-A end to your host computer (the computer where you installed Jetpack) and the USB-C end to the Orin type C port L, shown in Figure 2.
  3. Press and hold the FORCE RECOVERY button (B in Figure 1).
  4. While pressing the FORCE RECOVERY button, press and release the RESET button (C in Figure 1).

Orin AGX Devkit: Recovery Mode Buttons
Orin AGX Devkit: USB-C Port for Flashing

Check if the device is in recovery mode by using the lsusb command, a line similar to Bus 001 Device 011: ID 0955:7023 NVidia Corp will appear in a list on the host terminal.

Step 2: Flash

SDK Manager

To flash with SDK Manager follow the steps in the next wiki:

NVIDIA Orin - JetPack 5 - Getting Started - Installing Jetpack

In step 7, with the board connected in recovery mode, the SDK Manager will show a window like the following:

User set up when flashing with SDK Manager.png

Enter the new user name and the password, and click on the Flash Option.

Error creating thumbnail: Unable to save thumbnail to destination


Before flashing the eMMC for the first time a new user must be set. You can do so by running:

 cd $JETPACK_DIR/Linux_for_Tegra/tools
 sudo ./l4t_create_default_user.sh -u <user_name> -p <password>

For example:

 sudo ./l4t_create_default_user.sh -u nvidia -p nvidia

After creating the user name, follow the next steps to flash the Orin with the flash script.

 cd $JETPACK_DIR/Linux_for_Tegra/
 sudo ./flash.sh jetson-agx-orin-devkit mmcblk0p1

USB Driver

To flash the filesystem to USB you need to put the filesystem on the USB first.

Insert your USB flash/drive in your PC and check where it was mounted:

/dev/sdd1 on /media/$USER/bde7a526-1b2d-4ad3-925f-4650b2563ab7 type ext4 (rw,nosuid,nodev,relatime,uhelper=udisks2)

Format the USB drive in your PC

umount /dev/sdd1
sudo mkfs.ext4 /dev/sdd1

Copy the filesystem to the USB drive. It takes a while, its size is around 6GB

 cd $JETPACK_DIR/Linux_for_Tegra
 sudo mkdir tmp_system
 sudo mount /dev/sdd1 $JETPACK_DIR/Linux_for_Tegra/tmp_system
 cd rootfs/
 sudo cp -a * $JETPACK_DIR/Linux_for_Tegra/tmp_system && sync

Umount the USB drive and remove it from your PC

sudo umount $JETPACK_DIR/Linux_for_Tegra/tmp_system

Finally, connect the USB drive to the Jetson AGX Orin board and put it in recovery mode. Then, flash the board to look for the filesystem on the USB port:

 cd $JETPACK_DIR/Linux_for_Tegra
 sudo ./flash.sh jetson-agx-orin-devkit sda1 #it can be another mount point

Known Issues

The board does not provide a display interface DisplayPort output. Only shows the NVIDIA Logo before booting, and also shows the BIOS interface if the Escape key is pressed.

If the following command is running:

 dmesg -w

When the DisplayPort to HDMI cable is disconnected and connected, the log shows the following messages:

 [  299.546829] NVRM rpcRmApiControl_dce: NVRM_RPC_DCE: Failed RM ctrl call result 0xffff:
 [  309.799053] NVRM rpcRmApiControl_dce: NVRM_RPC_DCE: Failed RM ctrl call result 0x25:

USB Driver

NVIDIA provides a guide for Flashing to a USB Drive in the following link:

Flashing to a USB Drive

However, after following the next commands:

 sudo mount bootloader/system.img.raw ./tmp_system
 sudo rsync -axHAWX --numeric-ids --info=progress2 --exclude=/proc ./tmp_system/ /mnt

The USB drive only has a directory name boot and does not have the filesystem.

Step 3: Boot

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