NVIDIA Jetson Orin - JetPack 5.0.2 - Compiling Code

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Learning to build the BSP and OS components enables developers to customize the software for their specific project needs.

This section will guide you through the process of building the BSP and OS components for the NVIDIA Jetson Orin. For this section you are going to need Jetpack 5.0 for Orin AGX installed on your host computer, we assume that you got this installed following through our Getting Started and Installing Jetpack sections.

We divide this section into the following components:

  1. Build the kernel
  2. Build the dtb
  3. Build the bootloader
  4. Customize the Root Filesystem


  • The build of the BSP/OS components source code is performed cross-compiling in a host computer.
  • The host computer used for the cross-compilation has Jetpack 5.0 for Orin AGX installed in the following standard path:


Make sure the following dependencies are installed on your system:

  • wget
  • lbzip2
  • build-essential
  • bc
  • zip
  • libgmp-dev
  • libmpfr-dev
  • libmpc-dev
  • vim-common # For xxd

In Debian based systems you can run the following:

sudo apt install wget lbzip2 build-essential bc zip libgmp-dev libmpfr-dev libmpc-dev vim-common

Previous: JetPack 5.0‎/Getting_Started/Components Index Next: JetPack 5.0‎/Compiling Code/Kernel