GstInference - Metadatas - GstInferenceMeta

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GstInferenceMeta is a new hierarchical approach towards storing inferred data on a buffer. It follows a n-ary tree structure, in which each node contains a prediction, a pointer to struct of type GstInferencePrediction, which is explained in the sections below.


field type description
meta GstMeta Buffer metadata
prediction GstInferencePrediction * Contains all the predictions associated to this node.


Each prediction on each inference meta node contains the following information:


field type description
prediction_id guint64 A unique id for this specific prediction.
enabled gboolean This flag indicates whether or not this prediction should be used for further inference.
bbox BoundingBox Bouding box for this specific prediction.
classifications GList * a linked list of GstInfereferenceClassification associated to this prediction.
predictions GNode * a n-ary tree of child predictions within this specific prediction. It is recommended to to access the tree directly, but to use this module's API to interact with the children.

Each bounding box is a struct defined as follows:

field type description
x guint horizontal coordinate of the upper left position of the bounding box in pixels
y guint vertical coordinate of the upper left position of the bounding box in pixels
width guint width of the bounding box in pixels
height guint height of the bounding box in pixels


Each prediction can contain a number of classifications. The GstInferenceClassification struct holds all the potentially relevant information regarding such classifications in the fields specified as follows.


field type description
class_id gint The numerical id associated to the assigned class.
class_prob gdouble The resulting probability of the assigned class. Typically ranges between 0 and 1.
class_label gchar * The label associated to this class or NULL if not available.
num_classes gint The total amount of classes of the entire prediction.
probabilities gdouble The entire array of probabilities of the prediction.
labels gchar** The entire array of labels of the prediction. NULL if not available.

Access metadata

If you want to access this metadata from your custom Gstreamer element instead the process is fairly easy:

  1. Include GstInference metadata header: #include "gst/r2inference/gstinferencemeta.h"
  2. Get a GstInferenceMeta object from the buffer: inference_meta = (GstInferenceMeta *) gst_buffer_get_meta (frame->buffer, GST_INFERENCE_META_API_TYPE);

In the following section of code, we add the include like in point 2 and safe the GstInferenceMeta in the inference_meta variable like in point 3.

#include "gst/r2inference/gstinferencemeta.h"
static void 
get_buffer(GstPadProbeInfo * info)
  GstBuffer *buffer;
  GstInferenceMeta *meta;
  buffer = gst_pad_probe_info_get_buffer (info);
  meta = (GstInferenceMeta *) gst_buffer_get_meta (buffer,

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