NVIDIA Jetson Orin - JetPack 5.0.2 - Flashing Board

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Nvidia provides several scripts to help to generate the images and to flash the resulting images. The main script to flash it isJETPACK_DIR=/home/$USER/nvidia/nvidia_sdk/JetPack_5.0_DP_Linux_DP_JETSON_AGX_ORIN_TARGETS/flash.sh. What this script will do is to install or flash the image to the desired destination. The script is controlled by variables defined in the DTB file.

Setting Board in Recovery Mode

Before setting the board in recovery mode is important to know that when the power supply is connected, the board will power on automatically.

To put the board into force USB Recovery Mode follow these instructions:

1. Power down the device. If connected, remove the AC adapter from the device. The device must be powered OFF, and not in a suspend or sleep state.
2. Connect the Type-C plug on the USB cable to the Recovery (USB Type-C) Port on the device and the other end to an available USB port on the host PC.
3. Connect the power adapter to the device. The board will power on automatically.
4. Press and hold the FORCE RECOVERY button: while pressing the FORCE RECOVERY button, press and release the RESET and FORCE RECOVERY button.
5. Check if the device is in recovery mode by using the lsusb command, a line similar to '''Bus 001 Device 011: ID 0955:7023 NVidia Corp''' will appear in a list on the host terminal.

All examples assume that the board is in recovery mode.

Flash Script Options

# Examples:
# ./flash.sh <target_board> internal			- boot <target_board> from on-board device (eMMC/SDCARD)
# ./flash.sh <target_board> external			- boot <target_board> from external device
# ./flash.sh <target_board> mmcblk0p1			- boot <target_board> from eMMC
# ./flash.sh <target_board> mmcblk1p1			- boot <target_board> from SDCARD
# ./flash.sh <target_board> sda1			- boot <target_board> from USB device
# ./flash.sh <target_board> nvme0n1			- boot <target_board> from NVME storage device
# ./flash.sh -N <IPaddr>:/nfsroot <target_board> eth0	- boot <target_board> from NFS
# ./flash.sh -k LNX <target_board> mmcblk1p1		- update <target_board> kernel
# ./flash.sh -k EBT <target_board> mmcblk1p1		- update <target_board> bootloader
# Optional Environment Variables:
# BCTFILE ---------------- Boot control table configuration file to be used.
# BOARDID ---------------- Pass boardid to override EEPROM value
# BOARDREV --------------- Pass board_revision to override EEPROM value
# BOARDSKU --------------- Pass board_sku to override EEPROM value
# BOOTLOADER ------------- Bootloader binary to be flashed
# BOOTPARTLIMIT ---------- GPT data limit. (== Max BCT size + PPT size)
# BOOTPARTSIZE ----------- Total eMMC HW boot partition size.
# CFGFILE ---------------- Partition table configuration file to be used.
# CMDLINE ---------------- Target cmdline. See help for more information.
# DEVSECTSIZE ------------ Device Sector size. (default = 512Byte).
# DTBFILE ---------------- Device Tree file to be used.
# EMMCSIZE --------------- Size of target device eMMC (boot0+boot1+user).
# EMCFUSE_VALUE ---------- Value of emc fuse.
# FLASHAPP --------------- Flash application running in host machine.
# FLASHER ---------------- Flash server running in target machine.
# INITRD ----------------- Initrd image file to be flashed.
# KERNEL_IMAGE ----------- Linux kernel zImage file to be flashed.
# MTS -------------------- MTS file name such as mts_si.
# MTSPREBOOT ------------- MTS preboot file name such as mts_preboot_si.
# NFSARGS ---------------- Static Network assignments.
#			   <C-ipa>:<S-ipa>:<G-ipa>:<netmask>
# NFSROOT ---------------- NFSROOT i.e. <my IP addr>:/exported/rootfs_dir.
# NO_KERNEL_DTB ---------- Do not use kernel dtb.
# NO_RECOVERY_IMG -------- Do not create or re-create recovery.img
# NO_ROOTFS -------------- Do not create or re-create system.img
# ODMDATA ---------------- Odmdata to be used.
# PKCKEY ----------------- RSA key file to used to sign bootloader images.
# ROOTFSSIZE ------------- Linux RootFS size (internal emmc/nand only).
# ROOTFS_DIR ------------- Linux RootFS directory name.
# SBKKEY ----------------- SBK key file to used to encrypt bootloader images.
# SCEFILE ---------------- SCE firmware file such as camera-rtcpu-sce.img.
# SPEFILE ---------------- SPE firmware file path such as bootloader/spe.bin.
# FAB -------------------- Target board's FAB ID.
# TEGRABOOT -------------- lowerlayer bootloader such as nvtboot.bin.
# WB0BOOT ---------------- Warmboot code such as nvtbootwb0.bin

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