NVIDIA Jetson Orin - JetPack 5.0.2 - Getting Started - Installing Jetpack

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In this section, you will find a guide to getting Jetpack installed on your host computer. This section assumes that you already have the NVIDIA SDK Manager installed, for more information check our Getting Started section.

Step 1: Choose the Hardware configuration

1. Launch the sdkmanager UI by running the following command in a terminal:


At this point, you should see the login window. After logging in, you should see a window with the configuration options for your environment similar to Figure 1 below.

Figure 1: NVIDIA SDK Manager Development Environment Setup

2. Select the Orin device such as target hardware.

Select the target hardware.

3. Select the JetPack 5.

Select the JetPack 5.

4. Select option I accept the terms and conditions of the license agreement, then press the button CONTINUE TO STEP 03.

Select the accept the terms.

5. Write your password.

Write the password.

6. Wait for the download to finish.

Wait for the download to finish.

7. Select the manual setup, select OEM Configuration as Runtime, and the last select the Storage Device as EMMC.

Orin configuration.

8. You should see a success message. Now you have the JetPack fonts downloaded and Jetson Orin flashed.

Success message.

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