V4L2 FPGA - Examples - TestPattern generator

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This accelerator is capable of generating test frames filled with a solid color. This accelerator serves as an example of one-way communication, where the FPGA can only send frames to the CPU or only receive frames from it.

This accelerator is optimized to deliver:

Format Output pixel speed
GREY 8 pixels per clock
RGB8 8 pixels per clock
RGBA 2 pixels per clock

With this example, you can measure the capabilities of transmitting frames in a single direction, from the FPGA to the CPU and vice-versa.

Video Test Pattern Generator I/O properties

The input/output images have limitations in format and size, which are indicated below:

Property Input image (not supported) Output image
Min width 0 8
Max width 0 4096
Min height 0 8
Max height 0 2160
Formats None GREY, RGB8, RGBA

It is currently recommended for applications whose images are at 720p or 1080p resolution.

Current throughput

The convolution accelerator has the following throughput in several resolutions:

Maximum framerate using the VTPG for several standard resolutions on a PicoEVB
Resolution GREY (fps) RGB8 (fps) RGBA (fps)
4k 43.087 43.000 9.955
1080p 146.636 146.600 39.180
720p 291.598 286.218 85.810
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