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Revision as of 10:11, 22 November 2019

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In general, camera-on-vehicle has serious perspective effect as Fig. 1(a). Because of the perspective effect, the driver can’t feel distance correctly and advanced image processing or analysis becomes difficult also. Consequently, as Fig. 1(b), perspective transformation is necessary. The raw images have to be transferred into bird’s-eye view as Fig. 1(c). [2]

Illustration of perspective transformation in a parking lot scene [1]

To obtain the output bird-s eye view image a transformation using the following projection matrix can be used. It maps the relationship between pixel (x,y) of bird's eye view image and pixel (u,v) from the input image.

[math]\displaystyle{ \begin{bmatrix} x'\\ y'\\ w' \end{bmatrix} = \begin{bmatrix} a_{11} \;\; a_{12} \;\; a_{13}\\ a_{21} \;\; a_{22} \;\; a_{23}\\ a_{31} \;\; a_{32} \;\; a_{33} \end{bmatrix} \begin{bmatrix} u\\ v\\ w \end{bmatrix} \;\; where \;\;\;\; x = \frac{x'}{w'} \;\; and \;\;\;\; y = \frac{y'}{w'}. }[/math]

Proposed System

The following image shows the basic workflow used by the BEV system.

General Workflow
Perspective transformation internal workflow

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