V4L2 FPGA - Getting the Code - Building and Installation Guide

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Getting the Code

V4L2 FPGA is a RidgeRun's professional product under development. Contact support@ridgerun.com with any questions about release dates.

RR Contact Us.png

Supported Platforms

  • Jetson Xavier
  • i.MX 8

Building the project

The V4L2 FPGA project is divided into two building stages for supported platforms.

  • FPGA firmware: stage to build the binary for the FPGA on the platform. This stage is only performed on the host machine (PC) and it requires Vivado HLS component preinstalled.
  • V4L2 driver: stage to build the V4L2 driver for required platform. It might build natively on the platform or using yocto distro.

The instructions will be highlighted:

Light Blue for PC instruction
Light Green for Board instruction

FPGA Firmware


  • Vivado HLx >= 2018.2
  • Vivado HLS >= 2018.2

These tools are located at https://www.xilinx.com/support/download.html and you can follow these installation instructions.


This building method is applicable for all supported platforms.

The dependencies are met follow these instructions:

1. Add Vivado executables to your path:


2. Move the top folder for the FPGA code

cd v4l2-pcie/src/hdl/

3. Build the FPGA accelerator. Currently the project has available three accelerators: video_generator, convolution and example. All accelerators should build individually as follows:

  • Video Generator
make ACCELERATOR=video_generator
  • Convolution
make ACCELERATOR=convolution
  • Example
make ACCELERATOR=example

V4L2 Driver

The driver allows for communication with the accelerator. This can be built either natively for the Xavier or using Yocto for the i.MX 8.

AGC Xavier

The dependencies are met to follow these instructions:

1. Get the kernel sources and by following this guide: https://devtalk.nvidia.com/default/topic/1050013/jetson-tx2/r32-1-tx2-how-can-i-build-extra-module-in-the-tegra-device/post/5332292/#5332292

2. Move the top kernel folder and build

cd v4l2-pcie/src/kernel/

The resulting kernel module is located on v4l2-pcie/src/kernel/xilinx/xilinx.ko


RidgeRun offers a Yocto layer containing RidgeRun commonly used packages. You can download this package from https://github.com/RidgeRun/meta-ridgerun.
It contains a recipe to build the plugin but you need to purchase V4L2-PCIe with full source code, from: https://shop.ridgerun.com/products/fpga-v4l2-pcie-driver

Adding meta-ridgerun to your Yocto build

First you need to copy meta-ridgerun in your sources directory:

cp -r meta-ridgerun $YOCTO_DIRECTORY/sources/

Then add the RidgeRun meta layer to your bblayers.conf file. First, go to the build configuration directory

cd $YOCTO_DIRECTORY/build/conf/

Open the bblayers.conf file and add the RidgeRun meta layer path $YOCTO_DIRECTORY/sources/meta-ridgerun to BBLAYERS

Building V4L2 FPGA

  • Once you have access to the repository, please open pcie-fpga-v4l2_0.1.0.bb in $YOCTO_DIRECTORY/sources/meta-ridgerun/recipes-kernel/pcie-fpga-v4l2/
  • Modify the following line in SRC_URI with the correct v4l2-fpga URL by changing <Customer-Directory> with your own.
SRC_URI = " git://git@gitlab.com/RidgeRun/orders/<Customer-Directory>/pcie-fpga-v4l2.git;protocol=ssh;branch=${SRCBRANCH}"
  • Make sure you have added your ssh key to your GitLab account. For more information: SSH Information
  • Finally build the recipe:
bitbake pcie-fpga-v4l2

The resulting kernel module is located at build/tmp/work/imx8mqevk-poky-linux/pcie-fpga-v4l2/0.1.0-r0/image/.

  • You can also build the complete image using the command
bitbake fsl-image-multimedia -k

This will generate a the imx8evq/build/tmp/deploy/images/imx8mqevk/fsl-image-multimedia-imx8mqevk-20190614130445.rootfs.sdcard.bz2 file.

SSH Information

The recipe will fetch the repository using your ssh key, thus it's necessary to add the key in Gitlab page.
For adding it, go to Settings->SSH Keys and add your key, if don't have one you can find there a link about how to generate it.

SSH Issue
If GitLab key hasn't added to your list of known hosts on the PC, you will have fetch errors when trying to build V4L2-FPGA recipe.
One easy way to add the key is when cloning the repository for the first time from GitLab, it will ask if you want to add the key to your list of known hosts.


git clone git@gitlab.com:RidgeRun/orders/<Customer-Directory>/pcie-fpga-v4l2.git


Installing Yocto image

Follow the instructions here: https://developer.ridgerun.com/wiki/index.php?title=IMX8/iMX8MEVK/Yocto/Installing_an_Image

Installing Kernel Module

  • Copy the .ko to your platform
  • Installing using the following command:
sudo insmod xilinx.ko

Install V4L2 FPGA


Available Soft IP Cores

  • Example (Pass-Through): This IP core performs a pass-thru accelerator. This serves as an example for describing accelerators by utilizing the RidgeRun Wrapper, which allows you to describe your hardware with C/C++ and implements the communication using the driver standard.
  • Convolution: Performs a convolution with a 3x3 Gaussian blur kernel. It is possible to change the convolution kernel by changing the hardware description. Also, it is possible to use this IP Core for more powerful applications, such as demosaicing, filtering, and others.

4. After running make, a .bit will be generated at src/hdl/$PLATFORM/$ACCELERATOR/hdl_wrapper/hdl_wrapper.runs/impl_1/rr_wrapper.bit.

5. (optional) If you are going to configure an FPGA on a different system (i.e. on Nvidia Jetson AGX Xavier), you can use the xvcd tool from Xilinx. It works to make the JTAG available through the network. To make it ready, run on the target machine:

sudo ./xvcd -P 0x6015 &

You can get it at: Xilinx Virtual Cable Daemon

6. Program the FPGA using Vivado. To open the programming dialog, you can type the following commands in the TCL command line:

open_hw_target -xvc_url <TARGET_IP>:2542

Replace the <TARGET_IP> by your target IP on the network. Afterwards, choose the .bit generated in 4. and proceed to flash the FPGA.
