Difference between revisions of "IMX8/Multimedia/GPU/OpenGL"

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[[File:BloomGLES2D.gif|440px|center|Bloom Output]]
[[File:BloomGLES2D.gif|center|Bloom Output]]

Revision as of 18:41, 19 November 2018

NXP Partner Program Registered Vertical.jpg NXP Partner Program Horizontal.jpg


OpenGL® is the most widely adopted 2D and 3D graphics API in the industry, bringing thousands of applications to a wide variety of computer platforms. It is window-system and operating-system independent as well as network-transparent. OpenGL enables developers of software for PC, workstation, and supercomputing hardware to create high-performance, visually compelling graphics software applications, in markets such as CAD, content creation, energy, entertainment, game development, manufacturing, medical, and virtual reality. OpenGL exposes all the features of the latest graphics hardware. Refer this page for more information.

Demo Examples

There are some examples on this repository that can be used to check the basics required to understand how to write applications on OpenGL. You can find those examples on the /opt/imx-gpu-sdk/OpenGL directory.

Folder Content


  • Bloom:
Error creating thumbnail: Unable to save thumbnail to destination
  • Blur:
  • DFGraphicsBasic2D:
  • DFNativeBatch2D:
  • DFSimpleUI100:
  • DFSimpleUI101:
  • EightLayerBlend:
  • FractalShader:
  • InputEvents:
  • ModelLoaderBasics:
  • ModelViewer:
  • S01_SimpleTriangle:
  • S02_ColoredTriangle:
  • S03_Transform:
  • S04_Projection:
  • S06_Texturing:
  • S07_EnvironmentMapping:
  • S08_EnvironmentMappingRefraction:
  • S09_VIV_direct_texture:
  • T3DStressTest:
  • VIVDirectTextureMultiSampling:


  • Bloom:
  • D1_1_VBOs:
  • D1_2_VAOs:
  • DFGraphicsBasic2D:
  • DFNativeBatch2D:
  • DFSimpleUI100:
  • DFSimpleUI101:
  • E1_1_VBOs:
  • E1_2_VAOs:
  • E2_1_CopyBuffer:
  • E3_0_InstacingSimple:
  • E4_0_PRestart:
  • E6_0_MultipleRenderTargets:
  • E7_0_ParticleSystem:
  • EquirectangularToCubemap:
  • FractalShader:
  • FurShellRendering:
  • GammaCorrection:
  • HDR01_BasicToneMapping:
  • ModelLoaderBasics:
  • ModelViewer:
  • MultipleViewportsFractalShader:
  • ObjectSelection:
  • OpenCL101:
  • OpenCLGaussianFilter:
  • ParticleSystem:
  • S01_SimpleTriangle:
  • S02_ColoredTriangle:
  • S03_Transform:
  • S04_Projection:
  • S06_Texturing:
  • S07_EnvironmentMapping:
  • S08_EnvironmentMappingRefraction:
  • S09_VIV_direct_texture:
  • SRGBFramebuffer:
  • Scissor101:
  • Skybox:
  • SpringBackground:
  • T3DStressTest:
  • TextureCompression:
  • VerletIntegration101:

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