FPGA Image Signal Processor - FPGA ISP Accelerators - Interpolators

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The FPGA-ISP Interpolators are a series of modules to interpolate mono/multi-channel images with variable pixel-size. All the interpolations are done with fixed-point number representation, which leads to optimizing the usage of area and accelerator speed. Depending on the interpolator, the fixed-point representation is optimized in order to get the minimum area footprint.

To perform the interpolations, it is possible to choose between the following interpolators:

  • Nearest Neighbor
  • Bilinear (still under development)
  • Truncation: truncates the pixel value to the integer value

Supported caps

The FPGA-ISP Interpolators are capable of managing the following image properties:

Nearest neighbor

Maximum input: 4096x2160
Maximum output: 4096x2160
Pixels-per-clock: 2 (monochannel and multichannel)
Number of channels: monochannel, multichannel
Formats: Any (the pixel size is templated) unless planar
Pixel-arrangement support: interleaved


Maximum input: 2047x2047
Maximum output: 2047x2047
Pixels-per-clock: 2 (monochannel)
Number of channels: monochannel
Formats: Monochannel (the pixel width is templated)
Pixel-arrangement support: interleaved


Maximum input: 4096x2160
Maximum output: 4096x2160
Pixels-per-clock: 2 (monochannel and multichannel)
Number of channels: monochannel, multichannel
Formats: Any (the pixel size is templated) unless planar
Pixel-arrangement support: interleaved

Algorithm overview

The interpolators are modules. You can configure them according to your application. The module I/O is presented below:


  • Image pointer: the reference to the RAM (BRAM if FPGA does not have one)
  • Input/Output image dimensions: width/height in pixels
  • Points stream: Qs15.1 (Nearest Neighbor), Qs12.4 (Bilinear) in X,Y coordinates
  • Pixel-width: templated (up to 32 bits)
  • Interpolator: templated (BILINEAR, NEAREST_NEIGHBOR, TRUNCATION)


  • Out stream: Depending on the Pixel-width

Public members

  • Coordinate type: to represent the points
  • PPCO: pixels-per-clock at the output
  • Maximum width
  • Maximum height


The algorithms are based on the generic interpolators:

Some of the equations have been simplified and tailored to the application.


The benchmarks are based on the GTU accelerator:

Table 1. Typical framerate of FPGA-ISP GTU Accelerator. Based on [1]
Resolution Maximum framerate (GRAY8-NN) Maximum framerate (GRAY8-BI) Maximum framerate (ARGB)
4k 30.03 N/A 15.23
1080p 111.23 7.53 56.3
720p 231.45 16.70 121.46

These framerates are taken based on the following setup:

System: NVidia Jetson Xavier
FPGA: PicoEVB (Artix 7 XC7A50T CSG325 -2l)
OS: Ubuntu 18.04
PCI-e: v2.0 - 1 lane

Also, these configurations:

-- GRAY8 --
Interpolator: Nearest Neighbor (NN) and Bilinear (BI)
Input: 256x144
-- ARGB --
Interpolator: Nearest Neighbor
Input: 72x72

You can reproduce these results by using the following pipelines:

Generator (Accelerator input)

gst-launch-1.0 videotestsrc ! video/x-raw,format=width=256,height=144 ! v4l2sink device=/dev/video2 -v

Sink (Accelerator output)

gst-launch-1.0 v4l2src device=/dev/video1 ! "video/x-raw, width=640, height=480,format=GRAY8" ! perf ! fakesink sync=false

Known issues

1. GStreamer autonegotiation: The caps, such as width, height, and format, must be specified in the pipeline.

2. Numerical precision: Since the resolution is lower than using floating-point numbers, different results might be obtained.


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